IMAGO Newsletter And So We Press On.png

Hello, Friend, 

I don't have to tell you how much the assumptions of our everyday living are being upended - you're living it in real-time with me. It's uncertain, it's in moments scary, it's challenging to our cores. This is a moment to take good care of ourselves and others as we move into uncharted territory.

Still, the COVID-19 pandemic is exposing our fragile - and in some places flat out broken - community safety nets. Now that we see the cracks so vividly, we may actually choose, as a global society, to do something about it.

In the midst of such systemic inequities, finding simple but powerful ways to support each other is paramount. So is staying resilient in the face of uncertainty and risk. Imago was recently commissioned to conduct a qualitative research study about how African Americans in Washington State are thinking about and experiencing health and well-being.  Learn more and read it here.

Each day is an unwritten page that we get to write together. In the words of President Obama: "The future rewards those who press on... I'm going to press on."

And So We Press On

And So We Press On: A Community View On African American Health In Washington State is the third in a series of reports assessing barriers to success for Black Washingtonians. Released in 2020, it draws on the experiences of 588 study participants from across the state to paint a picture of Black health and well-being.